David Zhu

Results 8 issues of David Zhu

Hi, how to make gnina perform multi-GPU parallel computing in virtual screening tasks? The current speed (e.g. --cnn_scoring rescore) on a single GPU is not satisfactory for, ...maybe most of...

How fast is GNINA? Is there any comparison with the Vina-GPU version?

Hi, is there any tool for automatic processing of map.fld file generated from receptor? If I want to prepare multiple proteins, such as proteins from pdbbind, manual processing is very...

Hi!请问用rotated IOU loss是不是容易引起梯度爆炸?我在自定义的数据上表现出的梯度爆炸的情况,刚开始是没问题的,就是loss有点抖,但是后面就直接nan了;IOU loss应该不可导吧,请问这个Rotated IOU loss是怎么实现可微的,我看上交的严老师课题组基于Ratated IOU loss不可导的问题发展了两套近似的loss,比较好奇你们怎么做到可导的。期待您的答复~

Hi!从你的源码中看出,FAM模块内似乎要求每个grid的anchor只能存在一种预先设定好的情况,因为这样才允许后续的Feature alignment。在交叉的立交桥等存在object交叉重叠的场景下,上s2anet检测的精度下降了,只能检测交叉重叠物体的其中一个。虽然ODM模块是可以引入多个anchors的,但是因为存在FAM和ODM,输入到ODM模块的可能也是交叉物体中的其中一个,然后通过rotation的最大响应,提取其中的一个交叉物体,我认为s2anet提升交叉重叠物体的检测精度需要从增加FAM模块anchor入手。请问有什么解决方案么?

When I generated tmap following the drugBank example in your document, TMap generated HTML files normally, but did not display tmap tree.

When I `cmake ..`, error found as below: CMake Error at /opt/conda/lib/cmake/Boost-1.70.0/BoostConfig.cmake:95 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "boost_python38" (requested version 1.70.0) with any of the...

Hi!请问用GD loss(KLD和GWD)是不是容易引起梯度爆炸?我在自定义的数据上表现出的梯度爆炸的情况,前几个iteration还ok,但是后面就直接nan了,期待您的答复~