GsDevKit_home icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GsDevKit_home copied to clipboard

master GsDevKit project

Results 94 GsDevKit_home issues
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The [port forwarding doc]( is written from the perspective of a user, but with 3.2, the process is greatly simplified since the port range is no longer required .....

(1) syntax |& is not accepted by git bash shell. It does accept 2>&1 | . (2) During createClient, after displaying a couple of lines status on "Installing Pharo", it...

from GemStone internal bug 46040 report: ``` On foos there is this entry in /etc/services gs64ldi 50377/tcp # Gemstone netldi which is a different port number than we have in...

Upgrading to 3.3.0 from 3.2.12 using `GsUpgrader class>>upgradeGLASSForGsDevKit_home` results in the following error during tODE install: ``` ========>Server Stack: 'AssertionFailure: Assertion failed' 1 [] in ExecBlock1 (GsUpgrader class) >> batchErrorHandlingDo:...

If you want to manually run a `$GEMSTONE/bin` command directly, you need $GEMSTONE, etc. set. Here's how: ``` shell pushd $GS_HOME/server/stones/ source defStone.env popd ```

[Useful information in this doc]( on gsDevKitHome needs to be preserved

Bob was running with a private build where the fast dirctory was deleted and got this odd error message in the log: ``` Error running shell command: '/ghana3/users/bretlb/tode/_home/server/bin/gs/startGemstone' with args:...

(from @martinmcclure) This was the output: [Info] Setting up shared memory Total memory available is 32149 MB Max shared memory segment size is 4096 MB Max shared memory allowed is...

Installation - [x] Update install instructions related to OS prerequisites now handled by install script... simplify - [x] On the top-level page, make EZ install script obvious; either right there...