GsDevKit_home icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GsDevKit_home copied to clipboard

master GsDevKit project

Results 94 GsDevKit_home issues
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The following [login error]( happens pretty regularly on Travis for the Upgrade_71 test, but does not reproduce locally: ``` !========================================================================= topaz> ! Copyright (C) GemTalk Systems 1986-2016. All Rights Reserved....

- [ ] Initial work is being done in the [stash project]( - [ ] implement a few of the existing bash scripts in smalltalk as additional proof of concept...

The example for the man page of project new is missing an = sign for the git example. Currently: `project new --gitRoot $Gs_HOME/sys/local/repos Foo` Should be: `project new --gitRoot=$Gs_HOME/sys/local/repos Foo`

needed now that 32 bit support is on a short leash for Ubuntu and Mac and [non-existent for Windows Linux subsystem](

* Ok, 18.04 is not supported * calculating shared memory is different under the subsystem - one value under kernel is missing * pharo cold not be started - wrong...

The location where the gci libraries need to be copied has changed for Pharo6.1 (and Pharo7.0?) ... in order for the GsdevKit/GemStone-GCI#5 issue to be resolved, we'll need to update...

I've cloned your Git into `/Users/marc/Development/GitHub Projects/GsDevKit_home` and set `GS_HOME` to this location as mentioned in your installation guide. Later on, installation step 6 (`createStone devKit_33 3.3.0`) failed because he...

I'm getting an error trying to create a session: ``` tode 1 > ls Topez ERROR: Error: Unable to create a session, check netldi and gem log files. For further...

see this [GLASS list issue for details]( ...

We have observed that browsers will open a connection to our web server and then close the connection without sending a request. These get recorded in the object log as...