GsDevKit_home icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
GsDevKit_home copied to clipboard

master GsDevKit project

Results 94 GsDevKit_home issues
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As of 3.4.0 FileTree/Cypress read support is included in the `extent0.dbf`, so it should be possible to load GsDevKit/GLASS directly from git repositories. The [bootstrapGsDevKit script]( added back in October...

see [discussion here]( ... fix this problem and consider creating the gsDevKitCommandLine.image during install* scripts...

How can I save output of your commands to files? I've tried the following commands, but results weren't statisfying: `>`, `| tee`, `|& tee`. I've executed the following command as...

See the [discussion here]( for the details. ``` set gemnetid gemnetobject ``` Was the fatal command - it converts a linked topaz into an rpc login, which requires netldi information......

see Upshot is that both `startNetldi` and `startTopaz` should cd to` $GS_HOME/server/stones//logs` before launching topaz/netldi executables ... this should give consistent behavior for log files (CSV files in particular)...

It seems like it does not. So startup fails after the new empty extent gets copied into $GS_HOME/server/stones/{{stoneName}}/extents rather than where I'd like it to be on another partition.

On GemStone 3.3 and beyond, the hack of changeClassTo: to convert strings to UTF8 fails. Moreover, #_encodeAsUTF8intoString was added into the system so we should use that. The new code...

Hi @dalehenrich In `upgradeStone` you already perform some post upgrade scripts and even for recompiling closures (like the sort blocks). However, I would add at least the following: "We first...

It **is** run during createStone, on demand, but I think a user is better prepared for install-time failures (trying to install a bunch of code from http servers to create...