Captcha icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Captcha copied to clipboard

PHP Captcha library

Results 54 Captcha issues
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Hey there, I just released v2 of [my fork]( I migrated issues & open PRs, added some new features, fixed bugs, added GIF & PNG support, some helper functions &...

Hello, I am interested in packaging this library for inclusion in Debian GNU/Linux. To comply with the Debian Free Software Guidelines, we need to ascertain the licensing/copyright of all files....

Hi, I have a problem to install this library. When I run : `$ composer require gregwar/captcha` I have this error : Package gregwar/captcha has requirements incompatible with your PHP...

Can individual letters use different colors? Can you use other background confusion? Confused as small letters? E.g: ` `

here is my gd info : ![image]( php version:7.4.8 --enable-gd-native-ttf is not available when configure in 7.3 + , so how to resolve this problem??

Not sure this is still being maintained, but after I upgraded my PHP version to 8.1 I am seeing this error message. PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 42.5 to...

there was error caused by implicit conversion from float to int in php 8.1 the easiest fix will be to explicitly cast the value to int as what it has...

when count() function receive a null arg happens Warning (in PHP V7+) and Fatal error (in PHP V8+) with this pull request i tried solve this problem.thanks :)