Captcha icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Captcha copied to clipboard

PHP Captcha library

Results 54 Captcha issues
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Why sometimes the characters of getPhrase () and the characters in inline () are inconsistent, not all are wrong, but the case of one of the letters is inconsistent. E.g:... This class feels so bloated. Can you split it up?

I have a form, on submit button click, with AJAX I am calling the php that sends the mail and once the email is sent the form refreshes, how can...

[Example Screenshot]( I added support for IMG_FILTER_SCATTER with checks to ensure that it functions identically with older PHP versions.

I installed via composer

``` $captcha = new CaptchaBuilder('12345'); var_dump($captcha->getPhrase()); // 12345 var_dump($captcha->inline());exit; // error: imagejpeg() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given ```

\gregwar\captcha\CaptchaBuilder.php 33 line protected $textColor = []; /** * @var array */ protected $backgroundColor = [];

php version 7.2 in vendor/gregwar/captcha/CaptchaBuilder.php at line 333

Hello, I'm using Captcha, and I have noticed that sometimes the code i.e ABIDE will be built as ABJDE in image. Do you have any idea why is that mistake...

how to get captcha with transparent background?