Captcha icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Captcha copied to clipboard

PHP Captcha library

Results 54 Captcha issues
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Hi. Pls help for this subject.

$builder = new CaptchaBuilder(); $builder->build(215,80); $builder->setBackgroundColor(0,0,0); $builder->setIgnoreAllEffects(false); $code=$builder->getPhrase(); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); $builder->output();

Convert all your functions to static if you want the examples to be correct like that one: `$phrase = \Gregwar\Captcha\PhraseBuilder::build(5, '0123456789');` or, define constructor, build object and call member function:...

Hi have a look please on this site hope you can tell me why the captcha picture does not show up, thank you for help.

I noticed that in some operating systems, for example windose 7, the generation of images takes a long time and even on centos with a version of php 5.6 image...

Hello: I use this package in two pros,same codes, both are laravel frameworks. But only one can display the picture. I hope you can help me.Thank you in advance for...

It's common to exclude unnecessary files from the composer distribution -

This replaces travis with GitHub workflows

Captcha issue with case mismatch so had to use lowercase characters to continue. Image generated from the captcha is this: ![Screenshot 2024-01-22 162241]( The phrase generated from the captcha is...