Eric Shimizu Karbstein

Results 74 comments of Eric Shimizu Karbstein

Looks like code fixes fail to suggest, not sure if is the same problem as Assists not showing up

With RA supporting inlay hints, will in theory be possible to implement this with the state that the libraries/packages are? Or it's a limitation of `atom-languageclient` | atom-ide API?

Aurora changed the hash of the firm1 cause now it's using the 10.0 firm as firm1. If I'm not mistaken, the guide have a that inside it have a...

Nice!! :smile: Now I'm getting a panic: I included the backtrace in case it's useful ``` RUST_BACKTRACE=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./llama-ui thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value', llama-ui/

Oh!!! looks like it wanted a file as argument Then I passed a `crossbar9.firm` as parameter and it gives me another panic with a err message of `Could not open...

This can be New 3DS ones or just Old 3DS?

So that one is used only on Original 3DS?

Since I already opened this, I'll ask. About the 0x39 Normal Key, the Keyslot 0x39 have a Key X set by bootrom and 2 different key Y set by the...

Yes, sure, just remember to develop on another branch other than master, create a new one for every pull request, just for the sake of good practices :smiley: Have fun,...