Eric Shimizu Karbstein

Results 74 comments of Eric Shimizu Karbstein

Well, I think we could think on both as the same problem, I have no problem with that

I forgot to mention that emojis are not supported due many problems with that. What I meant for this issue is to support all unicode characters that matches that feature...

For reference: 1. 2.

What I understood was that nothing is clear LOL

On another dive into the comments on those features using the `box` keyword: Looks like `box` as expression will probably never go to stable and probably remain as a unstable...

Maybe because it is allowed any kind of string, for example I could do `mymacro!(1 10)` or some kind of haskell like operator, are all valid in most cases. But...

I can use this method inside of the Atom tree-sitter grammar definition? And how so?

Yeah, true, doing that it does reparse the token tree, but that I would like to happen on `token_tree_pattern` as well on `macro_definition`, that is possible?

> I don't believe the "applying zero offset to null pointer" bug is very serious. Usually, nothing serious happens on these alone. But it can interact poorly with optimizations in...