Eric Shimizu Karbstein

Results 74 comments of Eric Shimizu Karbstein

I agree!! Looks like clap v3 will have a feature to produce man pages, that was the reason that I picked clap to use universally in the project Here a...

Of course!! :smile: Any contributions are welcome

Yes, it is!! Have fun :smile:

Nice, have fun :smile:

For me, and that's my take on this matter, there are 4 things * uutils/coreutils uses some weird stuff, like the uumain function that goes somewhere (that I don't know)...

> * `uumain` exists so that there is a unified entrypoint to each utility. This allows the multicall binary (named `coreutils` currently, but formerly it was called `uutils`) to use...

Kinda all the items from that list (except wc) but on only one binary, like specifying as a parameter the the type of hash that you want, that's the only...

I'm thinking in something like this `hashsum [FILE ...]`

For next commits follow the [git commit message guideline]( please

I think it's ok to use nightly just for formatting Also, I'm ok with adding crates when makes sense, and your use makes sense, but try to keep on a...