Usage: ``` import aioserial import serial import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() serial_port = serial.serial_from_url("aioserial://", loop=loop) loop_port = serial.serial_from_url("aioserial://test?handler=loop", loop=loop) alt_port = serial.serial_from_url("aioserial://?handler=alt&class=", loop=loop) telnet_port = serial.serial_from_url("aioserial://:?handler=rfc2217", loop=loop) async def test():...
Always returning null breaks the contract set in the function signature and documentation. This affects all subscribes that receive `IMqttMessageListener` as parameter. Please make sure that the following boxes are...
It seems that in Android 8.0.0 (API 26) there is a bug where setting the auto fill activity window to translucent causes an exception to be thrown. Per #1076 it...
This is not exactly a bug, it is kind of a feature request. If I create an "alias" of a type and proceed to create a ReadWriter to the alias,...
If the repo's host is in urlPrefix, test if there is a number after the ":" and, if there is one, consider it as a port number and ignore it...
Instead of re-connecting for each HTTP request, reuse the connection for all of them. The connection is only reused if reusing the same client.