
Results 14 issues of GlenHenshaw

Using Julia 1.6.1 on macOS 11.3.1: julia> Pkg.precompile() Precompiling project... ✗ Plotly 1 dependency successfully precompiled in 7 seconds (274 already precompiled) ERROR: The following 1 direct dependency failed to...

(@v1.10) pkg> add Flux Resolving package versions... Installed Accessors ─── v0.1.33 Installed Transducers ─ v0.4.79 Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Project.toml` ⌃ [587475ba] + Flux v0.13.4 Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.10/Manifest.toml` [7d9f7c33] + Accessors v0.1.33 [dce04be8] +...


`simulate` doesn't natively return the control inputs calculated by the `control!` function. One can e.g. save what is calculated by `control!` when it is called into an `ElasticVector` or something,...

julia> using ContactImplicitMPC [ Info: Precompiling ContactImplicitMPC [842347fd-0767-4ff8-b652-76aad5eb0a37] ┌ Warning: Error requiring `WebSockets` from `WebIO` │ exception = │ LoadError: Unable to find WebIO JavaScript bundle for generic HTTP provider;...