
Results 14 issues of GlenHenshaw

``` $ sbcl --load ./cl-jupyter.lisp This is SBCL 1.5.9, an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp. More information about SBCL is available at . SBCL is free software, provided as is,...

glenhenshaw@vpn202077 Dojo % julia cartpole_max.jl Activating project at `~/Code/ahrm` ┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in your browser: └ ERROR:...

Julia 1.7.2 running on macOS 12.3, Apple M1 architecture. After the training is complete, the examples throw an identical error: episode 98 reward_evaluation -0.7817167591651243. Took 36.599132333 seconds episode 99 reward_evaluation...

Julia 1.7.2 on macOS 12.3, Apple M1 architecture julia> include("quadruped_min.jl") Activating project at `~/.julia/packages/Dojo/frGnC/examples` ┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in...

Next error up is: julia> include("hopper_max.jl") Activating project at `~/.julia/packages/Dojo/6iIp0/examples` ┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in your browser: └

```cartpole_max``` works, encouragingly. But ```cartpole_min``` gives: julia> include("cartpole_min.jl") Activating project at `~/.julia/packages/Dojo/6iIp0/examples` ┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in your browser:...

Julia 1.7.2, macOS 12.3, Apple M1 architecture. Appears to happen only when Julia is called with more than one thread, eg "> Julia --threads 3" julia> include("halfcheetah_ars.jl") Activating project at...

Julia 1.7.2, macOS 12.3, Apple M1 architecture julia> include("pendulum_max.jl") Activating project at `~/.julia/packages/Dojo/frGnC/examples` ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: pendulum_nominal_max not defined Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope @ ~/.julia/packages/Dojo/frGnC/examples/trajectory_optimization/pendulum_max.jl:29 [2] include(fname::String) @ Base.MainInclude ./client.jl:451...

Julia 1.7.2 on macOS 12.3, Apple M1 architecture. julia> include("hopper_min.jl") Activating project at `~/.julia/packages/Dojo/frGnC/examples` ┌ Info: MeshCat server started. You can open the visualizer by visiting the following URL in...

In the older version there was a discrete example that showed how to derive and solve the DiscreteProblem identified from data -- one called DMD() on the result of solve....