
Results 4 comments of GlenHenshaw

...I think this is probably pilot error. Uninstalling sbcl via Homebrew, followed by deleting the quicklisp directory and installing everything from scratch, appears to mostly have solved the problem. The...

The above doesn't work: julia> prob = DiscreteProblem(res, u0, tspan, ps) ERROR: MethodError: no method matching DiscreteProblem(::DataDrivenSolution{Koopman{LinearAlgebra.Eigen{ComplexF64, ComplexF64, Matrix{ComplexF64}, Vector{ComplexF64}}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}}, Vector{Float64}, NamedTuple{(:Problem, :Basis), Tuple{DataDrivenProblem{Float64}, Basis}}, DMDSVD{Float64}, Matrix{Float64},...

I just pulled ```Dojo#main``` and the problem is still there. Running ```halfcheetah_ars.jl```: episode 28 reward_evaluation 5.2598850727605795. Took 32.763520375 seconds episode 29 reward_evaluation 6.304627245502632. Took 31.461139625 seconds episode 30 reward_evaluation 4.928108782533084....