Leo Wandersleb

Results 170 issues of Leo Wandersleb

The stats show just a number for "Total Event Count" and "Unique Pubkey Count". One can guess that his number is "Events in which users endorse other platform accounts as...

Please allow me to login or provide my nPub to then load my follows list to mark all my follows as such. This makes it easier to find people I...

ND supports profile views. Please link the profiles from the leader board. The avatar, Twitter Account and nPubKey do nothing when being clicked. Please linkify all of these. * Avatar...

Currently the leader board shows Twitter accounts and nostr data with a confusing status column. Please change the column "Twitter Account" to "Platforms" and merge the status into this. *...

Please remove hex pubkey. At this stage it's more confusing than anything.

The list of contacts is not loading. ``` 23:11:43.489 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: r.user is undefined NextJS 72 e forEach forEach forEach inorderTraversal inorderTraversal inorderTraversal inorderTraversal inorderTraversal inorderTraversal inorderTraversal forEach...

I want to * enter Twitter ID * see a list of all nostr pubkeys followed by Twitter ID with link to Twitter verification Tweet

In the context of replaceable events, replies to those should not (only) reference the event-id as root but (also) the replaceable event using an a-tag. People replying to habla.news replies...


I'm trying to search for [email protected] and although https://hodl.ar/.well-known/nostr.json has an entry for negr0, noStrudel comes back with zero hits. It even comes back with zero hits when pasting the...

DMs can at times be multiple paragraphs long and nostrudel currently makes that very uncomfortable. There is a handle to draw the input bigger but it's by design on the...