Results 8 comments of FUZZYW

This fixed it (somehow): canvas background color to #000000 renderer.setClearColor( 0x000000 );

![gritty_1px](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1490568/52646044-0553a380-2eb0-11e9-841d-bf3a1d91c827.jpg) ^ this image shows it better

Oh i updated the mapbox-gl-js version from 0.43.0 to 0.53.0 and its fixed ` _this.scriptSrc = 'https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v0.53.0/mapbox-gl.js'; _this.styleSrc = 'https://api.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/v0.53.0/mapbox-gl.css'; `

Thanks for the response. It's creating characters ~17k polygons. Does that sound right or am I doing something wrong? As a comparison, a body from Sims4 is ~7.5k. For my...

oh nice, thanks for the reference I will take a look.

That's really unfortunate. Should call them NSVG: Non Scalable Vector Graphics ? Anyways, it's a really nice library you created. Thanks!

Nope. Seems to have something to do with the performance. Never fixed it.