Results 11 issues of Gerhard

Hello, everybody, I can't connect Open Live Writer to Google, because every time I connect I get a message that Open Live Writer does not have permission from Google. What...

Some months ago I tested "Brief" again and said again goodbye to it. When I wanted to test "Brief" again, all the feeds I had subscribed to at the time...


Hello, Denis, all in all I have the impression that you are "the last fighter" in the effort to maintain and further develop the add-on. Is my impression correct or...

Hello Brief-Developer, the add-on has not been updated for nine months now. What are the reasons for this? In the hope of a soon as possible bigger update I wish...

Hi tanriol, is there a plan when the next updates should be scheduled and which features should be updated? Thank you for your feedback Gerhard

Hello, everybody, how can I make the following adjustments using CSS: 1) Font size in the feed list (left column)? 2) Headings in the article list (right column)? 3) Articles...

What is the function of this code, which is preset in the CSS editor of Brief? /* Example: change font size of item title */ .title-link { font-size: 15px; }

I would be interested to know how many developers are currently actively working on the development of Brief. I have the **_personal_** impression that development is not really progressing at...

How can I shorten the process of updating the feed entries?


I would like to suggest that the font size can be adjusted directly in the client and not in the Windows settings. The font sizes in Windows are fine for...

🔍 Needs Investigation
📱 UI