Bacon tried to do this once and it didn't go well.
I'm not sure if you understand the point of the gulag. It's really just a form of execution except this way you aren't culpable for them dying.
It was a joke. The majority of the time the gulag has been used I've gone down there as sec to check on an inmate only to find a body...
Validhunting is not allowed per the rules. Stop using it as an excuse to nerf things into the ground. I have noticed a bit of a problem where paramedics will...
Idk if that's any better. I'm more interested to see how this PR affects game balance. I do think bacon's suggestion would be more reliable certainly.
Monkey station
IDK how I feel about this. More positive traits are good as the incentivize people to actually take traits. This one's a bit funky though as there isn't any IRL...
I'd consider this a positive perk as playing dead in certain situations can be an absolute win. I don't agree with Bacons reasoning for why its bad though. Given the...
I'd really like to see nuke ops be more common but I hate that war is even a thing because of how metagame it gets. Last time the nukies bought...
It may come as a surprise but I like this one. Instead of knee capping the AIs ability to function, let's just not have one at round start. This would...