Danny Althoff

Results 267 comments of Danny Althoff

I do know this ;) it is a long time ago, that I had JDK9 installed. Will implement this, when JDK9 is official. EDIT: I will look into this the...

@swpalmer nagging sometimes works ;) I will take a look into this the next days, if you need to fiddle with a local version, just look at the "workers": https://github.com/FibreFoX/javafx-gradle-plugin/tree/master/src/main/java/de/dynamicfiles/projects/gradle/plugins/javafx/tasks/workers

@swpalmer what EA-version are you using?

@purringpigeon @swpalmer This might even already be working, not sure and haven't digged too deep into this. Please try the following: ```groovy jfx{ // ... other stuff ... bundleArguments =...

@swpalmer Are you using some IDE for this? Do you know if gradle is already fully compliant with jdk9? On what OS are you using this? As there are a...

@swpalmer Can you confirm, that it works with the javapackager itself? Coming from the sourcecode, it looks strange how the content inside that `.cfg`-files is gathered: ```java // The main...

Regarding the `toString`: [Path.getFileName()](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/nio/file/Path.html#getFileName--) it returns a Path ;)

haha, indeed :D maybe some internal checkstyle-rule or something with static code quality checks

@JustGregory thats somewhat my own view of the whole jdk9 situation, but the plugin currently works ;) and still need some (spare) time to figure out what is happening. What...

@swpalmer As I'm not in the state of having a full picture of Java 9, so just to clarify: using the bundled `javapackager` from the JDK, do you get working...