Danny Althoff

Results 267 comments of Danny Althoff

The folder-name `/tmp/fxbundler/images/linux-deb.image` is hard-coded inside the javapackager/bundler itself, where is not much I'm aware of to change this. But I do not see the actual problem here, what do...

I wasn't aware of this different behavior ... sounds interesting :) the "bundler-prefix" is internally something different, that's what confused me on the first thought.

I'm back to deep dive into the topic ;)

Yes, this was intentionally. In previous versions of the JDK 8 there seemed to be no further use of that filtering-type, and I personally find it better to have tighter...

There were four values as an enum: ``` NONE, IMAGE, INSTALLER, ALL ``` The problem with this is, that you have no real control about what bundler will get used....

What do you mean with "gradle classpath", normally dependencies are not inside some classpath? Can you add some build-script?

As the JDK 9+ are not having the related classes anymore sitting in that JAR-file, I'm supposed to rework the whole thing, adding some additional flag for disabling this on...

I'm adding some flag to disable adding `ant-javafx.jar`, mostly because it might get dropped in some JDK versions, will provide some SNAPSHOT-version very soon.