Danny Althoff

Results 267 comments of Danny Althoff

@JLLeitschuh Maybe some gradle-experts here could help me a bit: as far as I understood this correctly, I have to add something like this so my `build.gradle`-file, dont I? ```groovy...

Thats the source I got some inspiration already, thanks. Next Release will be prepared for Gradle plugin Portal

@Nava2 seems pretty equal to my stuff posted above, thanks for verifying 👍 what bugs me a bit, is that I'm loosing that short and fancy `javafx-gradle-plugin` plugin id for...

To be honest, I don't care about download-statistics, and to be honest too, even my own plugin is not well documented ;) maybe this plugin deserves to be on the...

What is the "JafJar"-task?

instead of "--debug", can you re-run this with "--stacktrace"?

Thats odd, can you create a small project where I can reproduce this? What version of JDK and Gradle are you using?

Maybe this has something to do with the "dependencySubstitution" ... will have to take a deeper look into this. Even on older gradle 2.10 this does not work.

Actually I don't know, I suspect the resolution to be special ... haven't found out whats going on there :/ but I'm happy for any hint

MavenCentral will not become dead in the next days, because maven isn't dead. As MavenCentral just started as a maven-targeted repository, but became some artifact-repository, this shouldn't be the problem....