Results 16 issues of K P

The [Trello card](https://trello.com/c/xDwAvggQ/1-sopython-facelift) had a fair bit of discussion which I will summarise below: - It would be nice to give sopython-site a facelift to make it more inviting -...

help wanted

Part of having sopython-site open source is that, eventually, other users should be able to take it and use it to build their own community sites with it. As such,...

We may want to think about licensing all content on the site under [CC-BY-SA 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/). Things like the wiki, canon, salad, and Nidaba would be nice to be open source....

Following some [minor controversy](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/268558/is-there-anything-wrong-with-closing-old-questions-as-dupes) it might be best to have some unofficial "unwritten rules" added to the Canon section. These rules are obviously not binding in the slightly, but maybe...


If the user is authenticated with the site (has a User object, not just an SEUser), their username should link to a personal page. The page can show wiki/canon/etc contributions...

sopython-site should support unittests. @davidism has mentioned his idea to use pytest in the past.