If RABBIT can listen for `cv-pls` requests then possibly we could have a page on sopython.com along the likes of http://cv-pls.com/ which keeps track of `cv-pls` requests, possibly updating when...
I've used travis myself in the past. There's also https://www.jetbrains.com/teamcity/ possibly (
Adding the help-wanted label is a little bit silly, since we want help _for everything_ but I thought it worth adding as this is something we _really_ want help with...
If you need an answer regex, you could steal the one that Jerry and poke helped me put together for `nidaba` from [here](https://github.com/sopython/nidaba/blob/master/nidaba/features/_util/question.py#L99)
Yeah ideally it would be sent to more than just me, as I can forward emails to relevant people but seems a bit silly. Unfortunately Google charges quite a hefty...
I don't know, _I'm just a poor ~~boy~~ physicist from a poor family._ For some reason Jon decided against hosting our own mail server, and instead we use Google Accounts,...
Thanks for this PR Chillar. I hope you've had a good Christmas break :) I'd say that rather than returning a set of the emoticons, we should return a dictionary...
We also need much more thorough unittests. Add more if you can, but if you can't think of any more thorough ones then just PR it and I'll add a...