Results 16 issues of K P

Have some method for keeping track or showing starred messages, possibly on the front page. http://chat.stackoverflow.com/feeds/rooms/starred/6 Only choose stuff from > 1 week ago to allow low-star posts to get...

help wanted

When errors occur there should be some log of them, this will be especially important as the work becomes more involved and interconnected, _i.e._, when RABBIT and Nidaba start up....


Have the ability to blacklist users from abusing community wikis, or other future systems.

The sopython wiki currently has no version control, as such if something is edited or deleted it is permanent. The wiki posts are currently kept inside a mongo database. It...


When sopython-site gets some unittests, will you have some kind of CI set up? If so, did you have any opinion on what to use? Might as well use the...


To allow backups, models should be serialised to JSON to allow dumping/loading backups. Possibly related to #22.

Times (such as the "Last edited ....") on the site should have the appropriate timezone added. Flask-Babel has a way to configure the output to include timezone, but we currently...


Way to integrate the R.A.B.B.I.T. bot into the site. R.A.B.B.I.T is currently in planning at [this Trello board](https://trello.com/b/S2HwlZAp/r-a-b-b-i-t). _Open for suggestions._

At the moment, sopython-site supports either: i. A question id, or ii. A question url when choosing canonical links. Sometimes the answer to a question is more famous than the...


An API wrapper should be used for accessing data from SE, rather than using bare requests. A possible solution already exists in [Py-StackExchange](https://stackapps.com/questions/198/py-stackexchange-an-api-wrapper-for-python)