Whileloading objects from another *.Blend file & converting the objects with "convertBlenderObject", I cannot use instancing with any of the collections that are loaded. It returns the error: "Warning: Groupobj...
I am in the process of porting my open world game over to version .3.0, and there is an issue with objects using "Override Logic Transform Priority"- Objects with "Override...
Cameras in a Scene, when parented to an empty with "mouse_look" actuator are reset at world Origin
If you switch to a camera, that has an empty with mouselook as the parent, when you switch to that camera, the camera will automatically snap to the worldPosition (0,0,0)....
If you run everything from a single blender file, when you "add a scene", it successfully adds the scene. However if you libload that same file from another blender file...
If a scene has instanced physics objects, then rigid body physics behaves normally, like this:  However if that same scene is loaded from another blender file, this causes the...
It is easily reproducible, if you add an empty to a scene, and have it instance a collection using LOD , it fails to update the instance when you pull...
Updating the Camera angle/fov will update the physics objects, but the visuals remain unchanged: for example to update the camera fov slider, you need to run: self.camera = game_camera new_camera_angle...