Felipe Cybis Pereira
Felipe Cybis Pereira
- Close #412 Indeed, in the latest `scipy` release ([1.12.0](https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/release/1.12.0-notes.html)), they removed the, already deprecated, `scipy.randn` function. (The deprecated warning said they would remove at 2.0.0, but well...). In `robotics-toolbox-python`...
Overloaded functions should not have docstrings as the docstrings should be in the implemented function. Maybe I missed something, but is there a way to ignore all `@overload` decorated functions?...
- Close #76 Fixes context aware usage in pandoc-like files.
Hey, thanks for the awesome plugin! I started testing it recently, but I had difficulty using the context awareness in pandoc-like files. After some debugging I am pretty sure this...