Ezi Ozoani
Ezi Ozoani
Aim to have is to have this template version in the hub template space for easier reference and to further encourage different user profiles/domains to use the HF hub and...
Updates to address [this issue](https://github.com/huggingface/hub-docs/issues/1125) - Addition of training regime in the annotated model card to keep this doc and the template in sync. - Defined training_regime, along with examples
There is a current Dataset card template that has"annotations" in the dataset repo ([here](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/main/templates/README_guide.md)), it is the annotated version of the [dataset card template](https://github.com/huggingface/huggingface_hub/edit/main/src/huggingface_hub/templates/datasetcard_template.md). I want to condense the [detailed...
Updated files: - app.py - dataset_util.py new files: - styles.css and index.html: stylisation code for streamlit's component
Apologies for the cached data🙈 the discussed way that we brought up had some additional problems with necessary files and updates that were part of the previous commit with the...
UI updates (see [figma](https://www.figma.com/file/xvBWSyzuURvtIaMKAjAPZY/Data-measurements-tool)): - sidebar - tabs instead of drop downs - colouring To:do's to come - fixing bold text - slight adjusting of colours