For custom creature types that dont eat or use lairs, rather, regeneration as their only means of healing. Can be used in map scripts also to enable regeneration for heroes/other...
- [ ] Bug? Beams and fire breathe dont respect pushback factor. - [ ] ; requesting a additional firelogic type, 6. Logic used when firing the shot. ; 0...
In the creature config, it seems that using **RESETTIME = 0** brakes a lot of the animation sequences. Its quite hard to identify the issue, but sometimes animations freeze, play...
**Issue** This is probably hardcoded, but my sacrifice recipes are not working correctly when used with imp type creatures spawned by the create imp spell. If the imp type creature...
**REQUEST** Allow modders to inherit properties from existing scripts from their related fields, taking and using all its functions and overriding those rewritten. - [ ] creature.cfg - [ ]...
Any projectile with speeds set above 256, warps their trajectory. Any angle that is not facing perfectly cardinal and the projectile veers off course from the center. see video example,...
; Controls which things will be affected by the AreaDamage of the spell (1..8). ;1 - Affect all creatures and all objects. ;2 - Affect only creatures. ;3 - Affect...
Creatures will stutter and their animation restarted while walking towards a fight they cannot engaged. This issue has existed as far back as keeperfx-0_5_0_3308, probably even further, since the original...
Regarding the NAVIGABLE shot property. Would like its properties extended to include... - [ ] A property to set if the shot should vanish OR explode when the targeted creatures...
New additional game rules to extend temple sacrifice. - [ ] increase Sacrifice recipe limit from 6 > ## (ideally unlimited) - [ ] Gamerule to include order detection of...