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New HitTypes to hit everything but the caster creature
; Controls which things will be affected by the AreaDamage of the spell (1..8). ;1 - Affect all creatures and all objects. ;2 - Affect only creatures. ;3 - Affect not own creatures and objects. ;4 - Affect not own creatures. ;5 - Affect not own creatures which are not protected by Armour spell. ;6 - Affect all things. ;7 - Affect only dungeon hearts. ;8 - Affect only not own dungeon hearts. 9 - THit_CrtrsNObjctsNShot, // Affect all creatures and all objects, also allow colliding with other shots 10- THit_TrapsAll, // Affect all traps, not just the ones that are destructable
- [ ] ;11 - Affect all things, except caster.
- [ ] 12 ; Affect all creatures, except caster & objects
- [ ] ;13 - Affect all creatures which are not protected by Armour spell., except caster & objects
HitType = 0
I currently have a slam attack from a big creature, that deals damage to everything, but sadly the caster receives damage too. So im request 3 additional hit types with altered properties. Previous spoke about here :
currently 9 and 10 are already used, but are not documented in the config
hit type 9 is:
THit_CrtrsNObjctsNShot, // Affect all creatures and all objects, also allow colliding with other shots
which is for Boulder, then there is hit type 10:
THit_TrapsAll, // Affect all traps, not just the ones that are destructable
//TODO replace HitType with these ... enum HitTargetFlagsList {
I see mefisto intended to directly use the HitTargetFlagsList instead of HitType, could do it like that, or make the HitType to HitTargetFlagsList list configurable, idk wich of the 2 would make more sense
I suppose the later would be best for backwards compatibility
the specific ones requested by ermin don't have related HitTargetFlagsList, so would also need extra of those to work