@g5-freemen Do you think this feature is really needed? Navigating to the Minecraft installation directory and then deleting a few directories manually is not difficult and doesn't take too much...
DrunkenHax0r, in the past there was a separate issues section/tab in the Vortex Launcher repository on GitHub, but then, unfortunately, it has been closed and hidden, and it is still...
DrunkenHax0r, you can and probably should open a separate pull request then.
I would really appreciate it if you implemented something like this even just for watches in the new DAP-based debugging system of course, as it seems that the old one...
Currently the Stale bot omits issues with the following labels: * pinned * security * Feature * Important The labels and several other things can be adjusted in [~/.github/stale.yml](
The ability to move all the same items from one container to another is an integral part of vanilla Minecraft for years now. No need for doubled functionality.
> Mods make tons of things easier that are already in vanilla and not considered superfluous. Other mods using bad practices are not an excuse to apply them here as...
Isn't Inventory Tweaks discontinued (especially in 1.13+)? Wouldn't it be better to reuse sorting rules from one of the modern and still maintained mods instead, such as: [Inventory Profiles]( (IMO...
@alrra It sounds for me like a great idea, but you know... I'm not the owner of this repository, so I don't set the direction for its development.
Can you check if this issue occurs in the latest Locks version for 1.16.5 as well?