**FastHub Version: 4.7.3** **Android Version: 9 (SDK: 28)** **Device Information:** - **Manufacturer:** LGE - **Brand:** lge - **Model:** LG Stylo 4 --- They just don't work. I've had awaiting notifications...
**Describe the error** Mozilla posted a message (I found out by trying to check the Add-on link) ```text This add-on didn't pass review because of the following problems: 1) Extensions...
# Current Status & Notices **Attention Chrome users: since 01 JAN 2020, Google has been vetting extensions manually. You won't receive the latest update automatically through the storefront. If you...
**Things to add** - [x] The "Import Rules" function - [ ] The "Manager Rules Notation" functionality > Example — `SiCKRAGE.json` ```JSON { "SiCKRAGE": { "type": "show", "api-url": { "GET":...
A place to test scripts that require special access or instances.
**List the request(s) you'd like (numbered)** *Please consider adding: this site, feature, and/or documentation.* 1. Add Firefox mobile **Additional questions/comments/concerns** 1. Posted by SpinCharm: [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PleX/comments/f3xfnv/web_to_plex_v4/fhq394o?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)
**Describe the bug** Sometimes, the extension needs the page to be restarted in order to work. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to a site using a...
> Use this if Web to Plex doesn't run on any page, **and** you have **Developer Mode** enabled. Please use the table below to point to the error location. ----...
**Describe the bug** When using Metacritic, and the URL goes to an outside source, Metacritic will open its own URL. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to...
Though Opera can install Chrome extensions, they aren't reliable enough to fully depend on. Currently known: they use the `chrome` namespace, but have a Firefox file structure (root only) and...