web-to-plex icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
web-to-plex copied to clipboard

BETA Scripts

Open Ephellon opened this issue 5 years ago • 4 comments

A place to test scripts that require special access or instances.

Ephellon avatar Jul 13 '19 18:07 Ephellon

Pass the Popcorn (Invitation Only)

Translation of @inonprince's /ptp.js

// Pass the Popcorn requires: api

let plugin = {
    "url": "*://*.passthepopcorn.me/torrents.php",

    "ready": () => !$('.page__main-content').empty,

    "timeout": 3000,

    "init": async(ready) => {
        let _title, _year, _image, R = RegExp;

        let title, year, image, TMDbID,
            type = 'movie',
            IMDbID = script.getIMDbID(),

        await fetch(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/find/${ IMDbID }?api_key=${ configuration.TMDbAPI }&external_source=imdb_id`)
            .then(r => r.json())
            .then(json => {
                let results = json.movie_results;
                if(json && results && results.length) {
                    results = results.filter(o => o.id && o.title && o.release_date)[0];

                    title  = results.title;
                    year   = results.release_date.slice(0, 4) | 0;
                    TMDbID = results.id;

                if(!TMDbID || !title)
                    throw `Unable to get information for "${ IMDbID }"`;

                IS_DONE = top.IS_DONE = true;

                return OBJECT = { type, title, year, IMDbID, TMDbID };
            .catch(error => { throw error });

        if(IS_DONE && OBJECT)
            return OBJECT;
        return plugin.timeout;

    "getIMDbID": () => {
        let link = $('#imdb-title-link').first;

            return link.href.replace(/^[^]+(tt\d+)\b[^]*$/, '$1');
    IS_DONE = top.IS_DONE = (top.IS_DONE || false);

Ephellon avatar Jul 13 '19 18:07 Ephellon

Indomovie (Indonesian site)

let plugin = {
	"url": "*://*.indomovietv.*/(?!tag|$)",
	// TLD changes often: net, org

	"ready": () => !$('[itemprop="name"i]:not(meta), [itemprop="datePublished"i]').empty,

	"timeout": 1000,

	"init": (ready) => {
		let _title, _year, _image, R = RegExp;

		let title = $('[itemprop="name"i]:not(meta)').first,
			year  = $('[itemprop="datePublished"i]').first,
			image = $('[itemprop="image"i]').first,
			type  = 'movie';

		title = title.textContent;
		year  = +year.textContent.replace(/[^]*(\d{4})[^]*/, '$1');
		image = image.src;

		// auto-prompt downloading for the user
		let links = $('[class~="idtabs"i] [href^="#div"i]');

		if(links.length > 1) {
				() => Notify('update', 'Finding download links...', 3000),

			links.forEach((link, index, array) => OLOAD_EVENTS.push(setTimeout(
				() => {

					if(index == links.length -1)
							() => Notify('update', 'No download links found'),
				index * 4500

		return { type, title, year, image };

top.addEventListener('message', request => {
	try {
		request = request.data;

			if(request.from || request.found)
				OLOAD_EVENTS.forEach(timeout => clearTimeout(timeout));
	} catch(error) {
		throw error;

Ephellon avatar Aug 10 '19 15:08 Ephellon

Plugin API is pretty solid, will close soon. The only "fix" would be getting async calls to work correctly

Ephellon avatar Jan 01 '20 13:01 Ephellon

Message passing, maybe, but the function must return a value... I'll make a switch for this to work?

Ephellon avatar Jan 01 '20 13:01 Ephellon