web-to-plex copied to clipboard
Project Status
Current Status & Notices
Attention Chrome users: since 01 JAN 2020, Google has been vetting extensions manually. You won't receive the latest update automatically through the storefront. If you want the newest version, you can wait until the extension re-passes verification, or install it manually (see the Wiki).
11 JUL 2019
- BETA version (SpaceK33z:beta-branch) ready for testing!14 SEP 2019
- Added Sick Beard support (#14)! Updated on SpaceK33z:beta-branch22 OCT 2019
- Added Firefox support (#56), again!14 NOV 2019
- Updated options page, UI/UX, and other minor changes.02 DEC 2019
- Updated the UI/UX, made fixes advised by DeepScan.11 DEC 2019
- Fixed #127, and made fixes advised by DeepScan.18 DEC 2019
- Fixed #120, and #12103 JAN 2020
- Releasedv4.1.1.8
12 JAN 2020
- Releasedv4.1.1.9
02 FEB 2020
- Releasedv4.1.1.11
13 FEB 2020
- Releasedv4.1.2.2
19 FEB 2020
- Releasedv4.1.2.4
Verifying current version
✔ — fixed/done
❌ — not fixed/done
❔ — neither fixed, nor broken
✔ — fixed/done ❌ — not fixed/done ❔ — neither fixed, nor broken
- #1 ✔ fixed before #60
- #2 ❔ I don't have CouchPotato installed... kept original code
- #3 ✔ fixed before #60
- #4 ✔ ""
- #5 ✔ ""
- #6 ✔ ""
- #7 ❔ invalid
- #8 ❌ invalid
- #9 ✔ fixed before #60
- #10 ✔ ""
- #11 ✔ ""
- #12 ✔ ""
- #13 ✔ ""
- #14 ✔ ""
- #15 ✔ ""
- #16 ✔ ""
- #17 ✔ ""
- #18 ✔ ""
- #19 ✔ ""
- #20 ✔ PR (mofman:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #21 ✔ fixed before #60
- #22 ✔ ""
- #23 ✔ ""
- #24 ✔ ""
- #25 ❔ deprecated
- #26 ❔ external cause
- #27 ✔ fixed before #60
- #28 ✔ ""
- #29 ✔ ""
- #30 ✔ ""
- #31 ✔ ""
- #32 ❔ no feedback
- #33 ✔ fixed before #60
- #34 ✔ ""
- #35 ✔ PR (chmez:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #36 ✔ PR - completed with #35 (chmez:search → SpaceK33z:master)
- #37 ✔ PR (chmez:toloka → SpaceK33z:master)
- #38 ✔ fixed before #60
- #39 ✔ ""
- #40 ✔ PR (fran1987:patch-1 → SpaceK33z:master)
- #41 ✔ fixed before #60
- #42 ✔ ""
- #43 ❌ closed prematurely
- #44 ✔ fixed before #60
- #45 ✔ ""
- #46 ✔ ""
- #47 ✔ ""
- #48 ✔ ""
- #49 ✔ ""
- #50 ✔ ""
- #51 ✔ ""
- #52 ✔ ""
- #53 ✔ ""
- #54 ✔ PR (Ephellon:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #55 ✔ PR (Ephellon:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #56 ✔ fixed with #108
- #57 ✔ fixed with #60
- #58 ✔ ""
- #59 ✔ project status
- #60 ✔ PR (Ephellon:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #61 ✔ fixed with #63
- #62 ✔ project status
- #63 ✔ PR (Ephellon:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #64 ✔ fixed with #82
- #65 ❔ future release
- #66 ✔ fixed with #82
- #67 ✔ ""
- #68 ❌ not authorized
- #69 ✔ fixed with #82
- #70 ✔ ""
- #71 ✔ ""
- #72 ✔ ""
- #73 ✔ ""
- #74 ❌ project status
- #75 ✔ fixed with #82
- #76 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #77 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #78 ❌ PR (SpaceK33z:pr/77 → SpaceK33z:master)
- #79 ✔ fixed with #82
- #80 ❌ project status
- #81 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #82 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #83 ✔ fixed with #85
- #84 ✔ ""
- #85 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #86 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #87 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #88 ✔ fixed with #88
- #89 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #90 ✔ fixed with #94
- #91 ❌ PR - closed prematurely (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta)
- #92 ✔ PR (Ephellon:master → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #93 ❌ PR - closed prematurely (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #94 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #95 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #96 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #97 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #98 ✔ fixed with #99
- #99 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #100 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #101 ✔ fixed with #102
- #102 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #103 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #104 ✔ fixed with #106
- #105 ✔ ""
- #106 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #107 ✔ fixed with #108
- #108 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #109 ✔ PR -
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master) - #110❔ PR (bot)
- #111❔ PR (bot)
- #112❔ PR (bot)
- #113❔ PR (bot)
- #114❔ PR (bot)
- #115 ✔ fixed with #122
- #116 ✔ fixed in #147
- #117 ✔ PR - reverts #109 (SpaceK33z:revert-109-beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #118 ✔ PR - reverts #109 (SpaceK33z:revert-109-beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #119 ✔ fixed with #122
- #120 ✔ fixed with #136
- #121 ✔ ""
- #122 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #123 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #124 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #125 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #126 ✔ fixed in #147
- #127 ✔ fixed with #130
- #128 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #129 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #130 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #131 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #132 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #133 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #134 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #135 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #136 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #137 ✔ PR (Ephellon:master → SpaceK33z:master)
- #138 ✔ fixed with #139
- #139 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #140 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #141 ✔ PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #144 ✔ ~~PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)~~
- #145 ✔ ~~PR (SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)~~
- #146 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
- #147 ✔ PR -
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master) - #148 ❌
- #149 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #150 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #151 ❌
- #152 ✔ fixed by #153
- #153 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #154 ✔
- #155 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #156 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #157 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #158 ❌
- #159 ❌
- #160 ❌
- #161 ❌
- #162 ❌
- #163 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
- #164 ✔ PR (Ephellon:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:beta-branch)
(SpaceK33z:beta-branch → SpaceK33z:master)
Working on the project, porting scripts, and changing key features
Just made a major update for the project, incorporating several mentions from #62. Will make a quick backup.
Added 3 sites: Allocine, MovieMeter, and JustWatch
@SpaceK33z, I'm aiming to be done in about a week (if everything goes smoothly)
Issued major (beta) release on separate channel, will test and push out when complete.
Aiming for v4 release in 5-7 bus. days, and major update/release in 2-3 weeks.
Good morning/evening @SpaceK33z, I saw for releases that there was a "pre-release" option for non-production purposes. Could we use that for beta testers? There are only so many bugs I can force out into the "wild" so to speak. If yes, I'll find 5 or so testers and should have everything together by next week; if not, I should be done in a month or so for production.
Everything works as intended, but it's ugly--really ugly. Still trying to prettify everything while keeping functionality. Also adding more features.
Fixed and changed code layout. utils.js
can no longer be accessed (insecurely) via cloud scripts. Added Developer options. Fixed several cloud scripts. Added new developer features.
Going through all 74 issues to make sure nothing was missed or re-broken...
Hello, will you create a v4 pre-release on github ?
Thanks a lot for your work !
I'll merge a few more changes
Pre-released on SpaceK33z:beta-branch
Added Sick Beard support in pre-release on SpaceK33z:beta-branch
Minor update, will push later
Major update, please see the beta-branch
The extension is being re-verified (manually) by Google. "It may take a few business days" (as of 01 JAN 2020)
Google verified v4.1.2.1
Thanks for your work !
Alright, starting from "scratch," will be a few months, maybe a year (at most). I'm going to build
, and somehow implement Mozilla's "requests"
Due to COVID-19 (along with ISP, extension, and other constraints), the project will be pushed back on my end until further notice
Multiple issues have opened recently due to v3.4
still being up, and/or the latest update (v4.1.2.4
). I'll most likely release v4.2
to remedy these issues, mainly fixing the styling error (due to HTML insertion where there should be CSS)
Been in a rut, will get back to this soon
Still in project overhaul
Oh boy. I'll reassess the project this weekend. I will most likely restart from scratch with a better layout and debugger.