Enzo Guerrero-Araya

Results 7 issues of Enzo Guerrero-Araya

I'm trying to run beast with the flag mc3_chains but it doesn't produce any results. The screan shown several warnings `WARNING: Likelihood component, null, created but not used in the...


Hello! I made a trivial function that returns a sequence from a Fasta class expecting it to return an object of the Sequence class. However, it returns meaningless and different...

I have a question. What happens if I don't explicitly make a DB in diamond and run the search directly against the protein multifasta? Is a DB generated in RAM...

Hello team! First of all, AlphaFold2_batch.ipynb does not compress the results once it finishes in the colab version. I think at some point that functionality was lost. or is it...

Hello @mckaywrigley! I liked your work on this UI. I was wondering if the line that sets `max_tokens` to 1000 could be changed in the UI. I believe it would...

**Problem Description** I don't see an option to use the groq API. **Proposed Solution** Do you plan to add support for the groq api? **Additional Context** Currently the groq API...

Dear Developers, I have a doubt, does this program generate reads by assuming a circular genome? If not, is there a chance to make it possible? Greetings.