Any updates if this could be implemented? I have a ton of apngs that I have to open separately.
The Grue Hivemind will never bend the knee to the coders.
I'd say the lack of independent name helps to foster the paranoia, you don't know if that grue adult is the gigafuckman wallsmashing grue or just a grue that just...
> Name 5 times this happened The last 2 or 3 times I've dealt with grues and thought the rapemonster next to botany was one of the teens mentioned by...
Same can happen if you suicide with a bottom tier powercell. In both cases the suicideflag gets set but you live, which means you get a constant O2 damage tick...
I'm all up for raised bombcap. I've seen turbo toxin researchers (like biddy) get the good dued bombes even while limited by the cap. I want to see the station...
If you were to get a fuckhueg explosion or a nuke explosion (with this change) would the explosion be bombdodgable? Or is the code rework powerful enough to process a...
So bombdodging lives on then?
I'll take that as a yes.
Can't wait to see the retarded gigafuckyou bombs biddy comes up with.