
Results 204 issues of Eric

This resolves a flawed assumption that all listings returned by the Reddit API output Model objects; many return generic objects, such as the **[/r/*subreddit*]/api/flairlist** endpoint. Fixes issue #93.

I am running the following code: ``` session.subreddit("StevenUniverseTest").get_flair(session.user("EliteMasterEric")) ``` And getting this error: ``` unmarshaller.rb:31:in `unmarshal': cannot unmarshal: {:flair_css_class=>"", :user=>"EliteMasterEric", :flair_text=>":lapisuplifting: test"} (RuntimeError) ``` The issue is caused by the...

Added methods to access the available lists of emojis, either the global emojis (snoomojis) or the subreddit's custom emojis. Resolves issue #90. Example code: ``` require 'redd' require 'pp' session...

I noticed that the repository includes no unit testing. Implementing a set of scripts to call each functionality of the library and compare with known expected output would ensure the...

The Subreddit model should include functions to access the emoji endpoints: Users with the `read` scope should be able to access the list of emojis available on a given...

The script url `` returns a 404.

While using Yarn version 2, an exception occurs with the example command (or any other repo): ``` > yarn add Internal Error: Invalid descriptor ( at Module.x (D:\eric\Documents\Programming\Website\test-icons\.yarn\releases\yarn-berry.cjs:2:434115) at...

According to the Hypixel Skyblock Wiki page for the experimentation table: The maximum reward for the Chronomatron is reached at 15 notes, and the maximum reward for the Ultrasequencer...

For the purposes of optimization, it would be useful to have the ability to initialize a character's animations by creating a frame collection which is able to pull from two...

New Feature

- **Haxe version:** 4.1.5 - **Flixel version:** 4.9.0 - **OpenFL version:** 9.1.0 - **Lime version:** 7.9.0 - **Affected targets:** Windows ________________________________ **Observed behavior:** Pausing the game (whether through typing in...