Élie Gouzien

Results 11 issues of Élie Gouzien

It would be nice if `diffr` could support diff3 as generated by git during merges. Currently it simply ignores changes from on side.

Hi, It would be really nice if most of the IPython magic cells were also available with the cling kernel. I've seen the cling kernel inherit from the IPython kernel...

Compatibility with BibLaTeX should be mentioned in Readme.md. Also it might be a good idea to prettify biblatex-example.tex, and insert the new examples.

Using apostrophe between words (typically between an article and a noun) makes jabbrv failing; you could think of "Journal d'agriculture" that fails even if I write it "Journal d'Agriculture" (what...

The `\DefineSpuriousJournalWord{}` should certainly not be hard-coded into jabbrv.sty but moved into the `.ldf` files and be language dependent. Reading the ISO-4 text should help to now how it should...

When a word starts without a capital letter, it is not abbreviated ; at least ![in French](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Conventions_typographiques#Principes_de_capitalisation_des_titres) we usually put only the first word in capital letter (sometime also an...

I got the following warning while running `download-abbrv.sh` (with debian, maybe not clean install): > ./extract-abbrv-lang.sh: line 76: ./extract-abbrv-lang.sh: cannot make pipe for command substitution: Too many open files and...

### Environment - TeXstudio: `master` (problem don't exist with last stable release) - OS: GNU/Linux - LanguageTool: 4.8 ### Expected behaviour No spell/grammar check for maths (except when text inside...

For now, there is no description of the chosen value of hbar in the documentation of the [evolution solvers](http://qutip.org/docs/latest/apidoc/functions.html#dynamics-and-time-evolution). It seems that the convention `hbar = 1` is used, but...


Bonjour, https://github.com/rogerdudler/git-guide/blob/2bb931f1da3b91bf2b73590098335e40d8636727/index.fr.html#L189-L190 est un poil inexact ; `git checkout -- ` récupère le fichier depuis l'index, et non le HEAD. En cas de doute, voir la [doc officielle](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-checkout). J'ai pas...