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GWAS Catalog Ontology and Curation Infrastructure
✅ There seem to be folders being created on staging for GCSTs which do not have sumstats. Previously, folders were only created on staging for those GCSTs with full p-value...
Submission id '662ca8a7a6e7cc0001fe7acc' was pushed through validation due to 0 p-values. Yaml file-type need to be changed from non-GWAS-SSF to GWAS-SSF v1 for all GCSTs. GCST90428438 - GCST90428399
The subject of the e-mail is usually in the form: '[gwas-curator] GWAS Curation Queue *date*' And it contains an Excel file named eg. 'data_queue_*date*.csv' It is sent to [email protected] every...
EBI-wide user survey goes live on 20th May, we need to add a banner to the homepage as described here, and remove in mid June (date TBC): https://docs.google.com/document/d/197gXfPhcJR5cIzUvWjC8ZKecUzUe6pbjgK61xOmVb-g/edit#heading=h.lu0yeii3ixvd
🔴 Decrease ftp-sync time limit to 4h 🔴 Decrease depo-sync time limit to 2h (*2 times/day)
The traits download does not seem to have been update for several months. A download from 1st March is identical to the 5th May one, and several EFOs that have...
Yue followed Karatug's script to run the harmonisation pipeline on LSF and Slurm. She found the LSF pipeline used GCST90293086's unmapped file to generate GCST90293085's harmonisation log file. All other...
✅ One particular submission with more than 6,000 studies only has md5sums in GCST directories on staging and released to public. No sumstats files or yamls have been created. Submitted...
An author has created two bodies of work by accident, and no longer needs this one (GCP000886).