@SomeNamTisIs To your Points. 1. = Allready implemented via the tier.yml 2.= I really wish this feature too. 3.=And this would be more than awesome ;) I also have to...
I have exactly the same issue atm. Hope this gets fixes somehow
Any new information about this issue?
Maby can you add a option to diasable the class option for this plugin. Just with a simple option like UseRPFEssentialClasses: false/true I think some people will use maby another...
Would be awesome if you can maby support the plugin "Heroes" for your class system. Would be so awesome.
Yep :) yyou see i thought about that 3 Months ago.
Well you should Support to disable your abiliitys if you make your own. Cause i like your level restriction for the weopons but the exp should be merged i fhtink...
but wel sitrec have also a godd point so jea if you make it really costomiceable like Heroes self than i defently will use it too.