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Classes with special ability's
different classes with special ability's
you can choose a class when you log in for the first time
Maby can you add a option to diasable the class option for this plugin. Just with a simple option like UseRPFEssentialClasses: false/true I think some people will use maby another Class plugin like mcmmo or Heroes. Would be really cool if yo can impelemtn that
Sure i will do that
Would be awesome if you can maby support the plugin "Heroes" for your class system. Would be so awesome.
Support for Heroes would be amazing.
Yep :) yyou see i thought about that 3 Months ago.
then I have a question for you guys, what should I support? I mean its not like I can do anything more by "supporting" that plugin. I want to make my own custom system and I can use some of the things that are in the heroes plugin but thats it.
Well, I'd say as long as they are usable together (they probably are) its great. Although a totally custom system would be amazing. What made us choose Heroes is definitely the customization, being able to make totally custom classes and such and also pretty easily make own abilities. If this would be doable if you make your own class system I'm totally going to use it. Really loving this plugin so far.
Well you should Support to disable your abiliitys if you make your own. Cause i like your level restriction for the weopons but the exp should be merged i fhtink Heroes have a simple way to give the Heroe the exp instead of your Plugin with a verry easy code implemented if you can do it.
but wel sitrec have also a godd point so jea if you make it really costomiceable like Heroes self than i defently will use it too.