KSP-Interstellar-Extended copied to clipboard
KSPIE Incompatible with Redirect
I'm having a problem with Redirect and KSPIE. When i have both mods running the fuel types that would normally be LH and Oxidizer in the fuel tanks are overwritten and are only the interstellar fuels. The only normal choice i have is just Oxidizer which makes the parts unusable. I have tried using Interstellar fuel switch,Cryo tanks, and configurable containers they work fine, but when i add KSPIE in they mess up the fuels. I have tried using all the mods at the same type and they still dont work. Thank you in advance:)
I suspect it isn't redirect but B9PartSwitch (which is contained in the Redirect download) that is messing up your ful configuration
I have exactly the same issue atm. Hope this gets fixes somehow
If it is caused by B9, then try removing B9StockPatches from the GameData. If you'd rather remove IFS, then remove LFOpatch.cfg, or use PatchManager to disable ifs patching stock tanks.
IFS LFO patch disable itself once ModuleB9PartSwitch is detected
Any new information about this issue?
It looks like it's the patch in Patches/B9PartSwitch/CryoTanksFuelSwitcher.cfg
This is adapted from one included with cryotanks but that patch has sections for LF/O and LH2/O while the one included in warp plugin does not
Why does warpPlugin even bother with B9PartSwitch patches anyways?