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DragonBones C# Runtime

Results 47 DragonBonesCSharp issues
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UnityFactory.factory.LoadDragonBonesData("Ubbie/Ubbie"); // DragonBones file path (without suffix) UnityFactory.factory.LoadTextureAtlasData("Ubbie/texture"); //Texture atlas file path (without suffix) 你们的demo里倒是有最新的API引用,好歹在帮助文档里改一下啊。

i see dragon bone is free and open source , im looking up source in github, where is it? i cant find DragonBone Pro source code

hi there seems to be an issue with z ordering i have to bump it to 2 for it to look correct, please advise. If my camera is orthographic and...

Does anybody know how to create animation timestamp events (like in unity animations) and/or how to access animation %progress variable? I know how to subscribe to an event that happens...

Hi there, I have character with three animation states (**idle** [when it’s on the ground], **onAir**[when it jumps], **landing**[when it first touch the ground]) I want to make the character...

我使用ulua,将DragonBones的c#类导出,在cs中可以正常播放的代码,在lua中实现就不会正常播放。 ``` UnityFactory.factory.LoadDragonBonesData("410/Animations/NewProject/NewProject_ske"); UnityFactory.factory.LoadTextureAtlasData("410/Animations/NewProject/NewProject_tex"); armatureComponent = UnityFactory.factory.BuildArmatureComponent(isFemale ? "Armaturenv" : "Armature", "NewProject"); armatureComponent.transform.SetParent(this.transform); armatureComponent.sortingLayerName = "Anim"; armatureComponent.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); armatureComponent.transform.localScale = new Vector3(100, 100, 100); armatureComponent.AddEventListener(EventObject.FRAME_EVENT, _frameEventHandler);...


im experimenting with dragonbones pro to create animations to use in unity. i created an animation and exported it as the default hoping it would work in unity. come to...

in unity,when i play animation,it used ik animation,it is not display correct. ![default](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/16982114/22832030/6b701e78-efe7-11e6-8ca8-6c6a998a0f8d.PNG) ![default](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/16982114/22832169/fa343ca2-efe7-11e6-8b38-a733677526bf.png)

Hi there, I have created a simple animation using Dragonbone pro, now when I want to use that animation in unity it stuck on last frame in another word no...