
Results 111 comments of DimitrisJim

I honestly was not aware you could update the class `__dict__` this way. Another shorter repro is `type("A", (), {1:1})` with any other non string key for the dict. We...

Thanks! If possible, please address the clippy/fmt issues first.

Nothing has been added as frozen since `hello_embed` runs `without_stdlib`. In cases where you'd like to freeze the non-native modules you'd use `with_init` and call `vm.add_frozen(rustpython_pylib::frozen_stdlib())` in it.

Note that in this case, the `codecs` module couldn't be loaded, if you run it after setting `RUST_BACKTRACE` you'll see the import error.

I've raised this in the core channel on discord. I'm unsure about the history behind why they were yanked and haven't been updated but I do know that its on...

> Should we add a validation check in fn strptime for supported formats? There's a simpler solution for now, we can use `write!` to create the formatted date instead of...

yeah, `crono` should be the one handling the platform specific stuff. Our main goal should be to avoid the panic for now and try and return the format as CPython...

> Did #4530 fix this? it did go from panicking to simply failing so partially yes? :smile:

should also be done for 08-wasm and callbacks if necessary

aye, might also be a good idea to do some searching on big projects to get a feel of what is being used [similar to what comet did](https://github.com/cometbft/cometbft/blob/main/docs/references/architecture/adr-109-reduce-go-api-surface.md#context).