Yubao Liu

Results 28 issues of Yubao Liu

JBOD 描述给人感觉是不推荐的用法,其实在分布式存储中往往推荐用 JBOD,因为软件层面考虑了镜像、校验、条带化的事情。 “相同的配置下,通常 RAID01 比 RAID10 具有更好的容错能力。” 这句话说反了,RAID 0 坏一块盘就整个RAID 0阵列坏了,所以 RAID01 坏一块盘相当于一半存储失效,风险大并且性能差。RAID 10 坏一块盘,只是某个 strip 少了一个副本,影响的面很小,性能基本没影响。这就是为什么大家都用 RAID 10 而不用 RAID 01,mdadm 这个工具直接提供 raid10 但没有直接提供 raid01 可以印证这点,http://linux.die.net/man/8/mdadm,注意 Linux 实现的...

```js const express = require('express'); const fs = require('fs'); const hummus = require('hummus'); const stream = require('stream'); const template = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/a.pdf'); function render(res) { var t1 = Date.now();...

It's a pity LDAP doesn't have standard attribute to represent disabling an user account, Redhat's Keycloak supports an AD mapper to read and write attribute `userAccountControl`, and an AD LDS...

我尝试用 rime-dict-manager 添加一些用户名字到用户词典中,我准备了一个 dict.txt 文件,一行一个中文名字,只有一列,然后用 rime-dict-manager --import luna_pinyin dict.txt 导入,它总是说导入了 0 条,如果我每行完整的写「中文名字 拼音 权重」三列,则可以成功导入,但是我不想每个名字打一遍拼音,太累了。。。 请问怎么破? 用 xxx.dict.yaml 是可以支持单列格式的,rime 会自动补全可能的拼音序列,那么 rime-dict-manager 是不支持这种输入格式么?

fish 3.3.1, macOS Monterey, 12.0.1 ``` $ alias g++ 'grc g++' $ alias | fgrep g++ alias g++ 'g++ grc g++' $ alias 'g\+\+' 'grc g++' $ alias | fgrep...


For example, the row key may start with a long integer, we can specify ranges to pre-split regions: ``` import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; df.write() .format("org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark") .option(HBaseTableCatalog.tableCatalog(), catalog) .option(HBaseTableCatalog.newTable(), 5) .option(HBaseTableCatalog.regionStart(),...

I often want to check these two system schemas, no idea why PSequel hides them.

Fix gh-32075. Notice jul isn't supported yet. With this patch, we can set different log level for console and file appenders without falling back to customized log4j.xml or logback-spring.xml. Related...

type: enhancement

jib-maven-plugin and jib-gradle-plugin both support this option to inherit entrypoint from base image, so make Quarkus learn it. Resolves https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/28071


### Description https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib/tree/master/jib-maven-plugin Both jib-maven-plugin and jib-gradle-plugin support jib.container.entrypoint=INHERIT to inherit container entrypoint from base image, but quarkus-container-image-jib always overrides container entrypoint. ### Implementation ideas https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/blob/main/extensions/container-image/container-image-jib/deployment/src/main/java/io/quarkus/container/image/jib/deployment/JibProcessor.java#L382 When entrypoint is `["INHERIT"]`,...
