Yubao Liu
Yubao Liu
1. 通常raid 1是两块盘,只是linux md 驱动做了扩展,允许多余两块盘,也就是允许多余一份副本。raid 10也如此。这个有点矫情,一般没人这么用,也不是标准。 2. 你说的两个手段对于raid 5没有帮助,做定期data scrubbing才有所帮助。基于检验的raid恢复起来非常慢的,时间在十几个小时二十几个小时,而且是所有盘全盘读取,有一个扇区读不出来就崩了。这个问题在wikipedia raid 条目有重点黑raid 5,现在是行业内人人喊打的配置,因为现在单盘容量之大已然变态了,raid 5风险大大增高。 不管是raid几,spare disk的好处是探测问题后立马恢复,而不是报警等人手动去插盘,方便而且减少再次出问题风险,当然,放个备盘需要花钱。。。 文章前面图文部分很好(除了raid 10那个错误),刚推荐给组里同学传阅,发现后半部分有点问题…… 这篇推荐看看,老外写的,国人翻译过来的,https://linux.cn/article-6085-1.html
注意raid 5 rebuild坏第二块盘不是说在rebuild的二十小时里 才 坏,而是之前早坏了,由于磁盘容量大,很多区域长时间不读写,坏了也不知道(这就是为啥要定期data scrubbing的原因),然后rebuild才暴露出来。 Raid是设备级别,没写有效数据的地方也需要recover,现在直接支持raid的文件系统比如zfs, btrfs就没这个问题。
配置很合理:-) 有 vSphere 用就别折腾 OpenStack 了,玩分布式存储别信超融合架构,坑爹的大忽悠。 不缺银子就用 EMC 之类大厂的存储设备,自己研发其实花钱并不少,风险还大。
> Is this related to the fact that emacs keeps hanging on me with he message "_. . . so watching the Repo may slow emacs down. Do you want...
yes, projectile or some other elisp plugins may set wrong project root. I have added `(setq lsp-enable-file-watchers nil)` to my emacs config, haven't noticed any severe impact on user experience.
Pharo 10 on macOS here, chinese input method basically works after following instructions at https://github.com/pharo-open-documentation/pharo-wiki/pull/328 1. The word candidate panel doesn’t follow the input caret, the panel is out of...
> @Dieken Have you tried https://github.com/tomooda/PharoIM/ on Pharo 10? Just tried Pharo 10 + PharoIM on macOS 12.3.1, it works much better, the issue 2 is gone, good job! But...
Another issue on PharoIM, it doesn't support emoji, for example,with macOS Pinyin input method, when I type "hh" which means laughing "haha",the candidate panel shows "😄",then I select this candidate,...
> @Dieken Thanks for the feedback. Yes, I recognize we need some adjustments to the candidates' window. I'll work on that. > The issue with Emoji is interesting. Can you...
got this issue too. `/usr/bin/clear` or `tput clear` sends `[H[2J` to vterm: `[H`: move to position (1,1) `[2J`: clear all screen, not include saved lines and alternative screen. Although `vterm-clear-scrollback-when-clearing`...