Results 6 comments of DianSSIE

Need this please. Also seems the peer dep is still ng11?

Hi We tested the fork on android devices that consistently gave problems (crashing when taking a pic) and it resolved it. We are currently pointing to that fork but would...

I am getting this in my CI environment: `> Task :app:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac FAILED platforms/android/app/src/main/java/io/sentry/SentryCordova.java:180: error: cannot find symbol options.setEnableAutoSessionTracking(jsonOptions.getBoolean("enableAutoSessionTracking")); ^ symbol: method setEnableAutoSessionTracking(boolean) location: variable options of type SentryAndroidOptions Note: Some...

Cordova CLI 11.0.0 Ionic CLI 6.20.3 Node.js 14.21.1 / 16.18.1 / 18.12.1 npm 8.19.3 Yarn 1.22.19 Debian 11.4 Gradle 5.6.4 OpenJDK 1.8.0_332 and 11.0.16 Android SDK 27-33