Results 27 issues of De-Panther

In the regular editor(Editor scripts, windows, inspectors, etc...) we can access to mesh data(vertices, triangles, etc...) even if it's locked, while in EditorVR it'll show errors as if we are...

Currently ActionMenuItem attribute only works on a standalone action. Adding the option to use this attribute on nested actions, without the need to add ITooltip to set it, would be...


What happens: Generating lots of anchors by clicking on screen. After some clicks, the 3D scene is gone and I see only the camera input. Click back allows me to...

Tested on Firefox + Oculus Quest using Virtual Desktop. VR mode works fine on start, but when clicking on "Enable spectator mode" the view on the headset is stuck, while...

**Profile id** pico-neo3 **Describe the bug** On some glTF viewers, the pico-neo3 model face is backward. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: When viewing the pico-neo3 profile models on...


Following a discussion in the WebXR Discord, Support for tracking of other devices than the Left/Right controllers. Body trackers, Valve trackers, keyboards, etc... Valve/SteamVR trackers were mentioned in the past...

If file is already compressed (ends with `.gz` or `.br`), no need to add those file extensions. Sometime files are already compressed and needs to serve with the correct header....

The projection matrix of the Spectator Camera is based on Unity's reported screen size, but on XR mode the screen size is based on the headset and not the canvas....


Meta Quest Browser supports WebXR offerSession, which displays Enter XR button in the address bar, making it more obvious that the site can switch to XR mode. Sample can be...


Currently we switch to AR by using AR Cameras. The Hit-Test that is currently implemented don't use Unity's API. The WebXR AR Modules now support: - Hit Test: -...
