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a fully Bayesian approach to deconvolve tumor microenvironment
Hi, again. I was able to solve issues with running BayesPrism thanks to your help. Now I have been using both CIBERSORTx and BayesPrism to analyze various TCGA data with...
Hello, very great method! But I have normal and treated mouse hypothalamus scRNA-seq data and I wonder could I use this method on my data? Also, could sex bias affect...
Hello! Thank you for the exciting tool and paper. I was interested in looking into applying Bayes-Prism to a non-cancer database with a small sample size compared to TCGA. Specifically,...
Hello. Previously, a member from my lab was able to run your software (this was about 5-6 months ago). I tried to reproduce their results using a different reference dataset....
Hello! Thanks for your excellent work! But I met a running error when using function "run.Ted" to annotate the cell type of spatial spot referring to the well-defined scRNA-seq data....
HI! Thanks for your excellent work! When I use the web https://django.dreg.scigap.org ,I upload my data but I cant find my results. I got something in my Storage, while I...
Hello I have some problem when running function "learn.embedding.Kcls()" as follows: > tcga.ebd.res.k4
I have some different types of data (real data, semisynthetic data, and fully synthetic data generated using splatter software). When running the data and got the message "every gene has...
Thanks for the useful deconvolution tool. I am trying to use TED to deconvolute bulk RNA-seq data from tissues. And I used raw reads for scRNA-seq and expected counts generated...
I've been using ```run.Ted``` a few times now and I've made a couple observations which results in TED giving uninformative error message. These should be easy for you to implement...