Daniil Sokolyuk

Results 7 issues of Daniil Sokolyuk

domainname-parser dependency has internet acitivy https://github.com/OrbintSoft/domainname-parser/blob/ebaa1bf0430b5412a8c51a2bcab0262e7da16df4/DomainParser.Library/TLDRulesCache.cs#L294 library must have a fallback, or settings to turn off it. In private network this cause thread pool exhaustion ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2946286/85806012-913d3700-b756-11ea-9de9-d44e5c3c32d0.png)

- [x] [Ceras](https://github.com/rikimaru0345/Ceras) serializer as single default serializer - [x] Use Hyperion instead Wire - [x] Put Hyperion in a separate package - [x] Use HttpClientFactory - [ ] Use...

Hi, i am using Wire(hyperion) and trying use Ceras for my [library](https://github.com/DaniilSokolyuk/SimpleRpc) as main serializer because hyperion is poorly maintained and messagepack is not user friendly for customers:) There is...

For example i have code ``` public class PersonFilterWidget where T : CreationListItemModel { public string Title { get; set; } public IList Items { get; set; } public IList...

I tried communicate between mscorlib and core after this MR https://github.com/akkadotnet/Hyperion/pull/116 by @Blind-Striker And its still not working correctly for Type Repro here https://github.com/DaniilSokolyuk/Hyperion/tree/master, need run test CrossFrameworkSerializationTests.cs in netframework...

Hi! We are migrated our projects to new csproj format (like this https://github.com/MiniProfiler/dotnet/blob/master/samples/Samples.Mvc5/Samples.Mvc5.csproj https://github.com/NickCraver/StackExchange.Exceptional/blob/master/samples/Samples.MVC5/Samples.MVC5.csproj) but the compilation does not work anymore Thousands errors like this ``` C:\Work\....cs(104,22): error CS0246: The...

Hello, I'm using this on a Windows server, I connect my XBOX to it via router with wireguard, i have a problem that some applications and voice chat don't work...