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New csproj

Open DaniilSokolyuk opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments

Hi! We are migrated our projects to new csproj format (like this but the compilation does not work anymore

Thousands errors like this

C:\Work\....cs(104,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'xxx' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

DaniilSokolyuk avatar Jan 09 '18 14:01 DaniilSokolyuk

Can you please provide more details on how exactly you're building the project / solution, and what types are missing?

Note that the test projects in the master branch is also using <PackageReference>. I did not attempt to make the build work with dotnet build / dotnet msbuild, though.

m0sa avatar Jan 09 '18 17:01 m0sa

Also the examples above are not supported by the tooling, see -

m0sa avatar Jan 10 '18 17:01 m0sa

Not supported, but works :)

DaniilSokolyuk avatar Jan 11 '18 10:01 DaniilSokolyuk

@m0sa Sorry, i found problem Some *.cs files were encoded in 'windows-1251', i resave all files in utf8 and everything is working now

but dotnet build, and vs studio build can build with any encoding

DaniilSokolyuk avatar Jan 11 '18 11:01 DaniilSokolyuk